If you are new to this site, please take a moment to read Intro to Automatic Writing. When you go there, you will find My Introduction from the book, Journey Within – Another Dimension Of Life. The introduction is brief, but it gives a good explanation of how this process (automatic or channeled writing) began for me. Please read that before you continue reading here—everything on this site will make more sense when you do.
This process of recording is simple, it’s like hearing words spoken in thought, then writing down what you hear (or, the thought). Many times, the writing doesn’t make a lot of sense, but other times it is so crystal clear and spot on that it is truly mind boggling.
I am still writing, I try to write every day, but I am amazed sometimes when I look back on what I have recorded. I keep saying it was awesome, but it was more than that. Every day I had the chance to go someplace I had never been, and I still have that chance. They (the voices, thoughts, or whatever you want to call them) talk in great and colorful detail of destinations that once explored, become points of greater embarkation. Like this:
“If one has never been to the mountain top, one should go. For it is here, this place far removed from the valley floor, where the vast expanse of the planet below can be seen from another point of view; the twists and turns of hills and vales, the polluted and the pure. A better way can be viewed before it is ever traveled. Obstacles can be seen for what they are. This is a point of majesty and inspiration where our range of vision is enhanced. Distant lands and far off shores longing to be explored—the possible and the impossible, are all within sight. To stand high in this place and set course to a point we have never been, is to know this place within, where wisdom is drawn from insight, and insight is without end.”
There are continual references to our ability to imagine and to create. They talk about journeys and destinations. It is all inside the mind, they said.
“This is an actual place you know, and you can go there anytime you like. It can be great or small, simple or profound, it can be bright or dull as you wish. You can go there right now if you so desire, the choice is yours, and yours alone.”
Then they went on to talk about the limitless nature of human thought and what our thoughts are capable of. They speak of how we can bring our dreams, as well as our nightmares, to life. And always they say, it is our choice.
There is a link on every page with information regarding purchasing the book. In total, what they have to say is truly amazing.
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