If you are new to this site, please take a moment to read Intro to Automatic Writing. When you go there, you will find My Introduction from the book, Journey Within – Another Dimension Of Life. The introduction is brief, but it gives a good explanation of how this process (automatic or channeled writing) began for me. Please read that before you continue reading here—everything on this site will make more sense when you do.
Much of what I hear compares the process of learning how to do automatic writing to the student attending school on Earth. On February 10th, 2015, I recorded this:
“2:41 A.M.:
This is the classroom, please treat it with respect. Pay attention, sit up straight and get on with thy duties. When the mind wanders away from this work and into thoughts of self, the moment is lost, do you see? To be here with us, you must first not be there with thee.
3:03 A.M.:
Bold experiences; these lessons of life are abundant, they are loud, and they are clear. The words come at once, write them down as they come. It’s called channeling!”
I was not a good student in school. And for the most part, that is still the case. They let me know about it.
“This is another level of learning Stephen, and close attention must be paid. One cannot simply put down a pile of words on paper and expect a passing grade.”
Sometimes, when I get home from work and don’t feel like writing, I hear things like this;
“Learn the lesson, by skipping school—the wisdom of a fool.”
So, then I start writing. It’s their way of motivating me.
It was (and still is) a common theme, I can feel their frustration. But when I follow instructions, when I am into the work and things go right, it is awesome. Here is a quote from the book where they discuss a Universal Law called Order.
“Follow this example of sound to gain a greater understanding of how this law (Order) works.
Spoken in terms of the audible, harmony is an orderly, simultaneous combination of tones that is pleasing to the ear. Broken down, tones are nothing more than sound, and sound is an outcome or an effect that is caused by a vibration from within an entity. Like the strings of a guitar when plucked, sound is created—a form of energy that we can hear and feel.
It is from the sound emitted by the guitar, that much can be learned about the guitar. The instrument itself may be beautiful, quite pleasing to the eye. Yet if it is out of tune, or never played, and never learned, the reason for its existence may never be heard. And so it is with life: an entity does not need to be a work of art to bring forth great harmony, it just needs to be in tune, and it needs to be played.”
They went on to talk about the finely tuned instrument in the hands of a master, grand moments of perfection, and how the grandest moment may be that of the novice performing the new. They also talk about practice, and how practice is vitally important to the mastery of anything. That discussion of order, harmony, and practice made its way into the book and it is a segue to the next chapter about communication.
The following passage is not in the book, but it is typical of what they had to say:
“This is nothing more than a transfer of information (in the form of thought) from a non-physical dimension to a physical dimension. This thought was received by an emissary upon Earth, it was transcribed, then put into print. You are reading about the basics of a process that is so simple it is beyond belief.”
They call it inter-spheric communication, and they talk about it on a regular basis. Their mantra is meditation, evaluation, prayer, and invitation. They say these are four facets of a mechanism (like a valve) that once opened, allows a free-flow of thought between the realms. There is a chapter in the book about communication where they talk about it in more detail.
Meditate. Go inside, leaving all distractions behind. Create a tranquil scene, be quiet, be still and just, be for a moment.
Evaluate. Once inside, review your day, truly, review your day. Find the good, find the bad, then listen and take note. There is much to be learned here.
Pray. Prayer (as it relates to this process of communication) is a silent invocation for a clear connection with the unseen, do it now.
Invite. Seek out those who lived beyond wise, those of great genius, talent, and love. This is where the best information lies.
There is a link on every page with information regarding purchasing the book.
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Wow Stephen, beautiful! Thank you for sharing.